pedrali for anri sala

pedrali for anri sala
the Italian company supports the exhibition of the Albanian artist promoted by GAMeC
Pedrali supports "ANRI SALA. TRANSFIGURATED", the exhibition promoted by GAMeC taking place from the 10 June to the 16 October in the Palazzo della Ragione in Bergamo, the beating heart of the old town. This great installation is signed by the celebrated Albanian-born artist, who has created a thoughtful dialogue with the iconic Sala delle Capriate based on his most recent film and sound installation: Time No Longer. The suspended film and the darkness of the Sala delle Capriate evoke the absence of light and gravity in the universe, the dimension of emptiness in which the record player floats.
arki-bench, the modular bench which reviews the industrial look in a functional way, finds space in this context. By supporting “ANRI SALA. TRANSFIGURATED” Pedrali continues #pedrali4art supporting culture and art.